
How do microsoft teams meetings work
How do microsoft teams meetings work

how do microsoft teams meetings work

He enjoys working with cutting-edge technologies and implementing them across infrastructures and organizations. Ali and I work together on a large team rolling out Office 365 capabilities, including Microsoft Teams, to an organization.Īli’s technical background is Network and Computer Software Engineering. This is a joint post with a co-worker of mine, Ali Fadavinia. If you’re a Microsoft Teams newbie, these features are a great place to start! This post covers the basic components of Microsoft Teams to organize and participate in a Teams meeting. The meeting tool-of-choice in Office 365 today is Microsoft Teams - a fantastic tool to enhance the meeting experience in several ways.

how do microsoft teams meetings work

If you’re new to Microsoft Teams and need to get up-to-speed quickly on how to organize and participate in a Teams meeting, this post provides 5 things to start with. All screen prints and instructions have been updated and validated as of March 20, 2020.

How do microsoft teams meetings work